Monday, September 23, 2013

Do You Save Or Are You Living PayCheck To PayCheck?

    In recent years the economy of the United States of America has changed drastically for millions upon millions of people. People who were once paying their bills, putting money away for a rainy day, and still having extra for all the fun things in life are now living paycheck to paycheck. These people are doing everything in their power to keep their homes and put food on the table for their families. A growing trend among millions of Americans is planting their own home gardens to help supplement their food supply. Many people start this process with little or no knowledge of how to do this, but find that it really not that hard at all. Plus the benefits are not only improving their grocery bill, but is also putting healthy produce on their families plates.
The local library and of course the internet is a great source to learn all the ends and outs of gardening. Once you have a grasp on what to do it is time to buy your supplies. These supplies can be purchased at most any hardware or home improvement store. However if you rather do your shopping online there are many online nurseries that allow you to purchase your plants through them most of the time at a wholesale price and they will be delivered right to your door. When considering what plants you wish to put into your home garden there are several things to take into consideration. The first being what types of food does your family like to consume. Another consideration is that most come in a lot of different varieties. There are many different types of tomatoes, melons, gourds, berries and so forth. Then you also need to consider how much space you will actually have in your garden. Some plants such as cucumbers and squash have vines that run and take up a lot of space. Then other plants such as tomatoes often grow to the point that they need your help to support them from toppling over. This is also an easy fix and supplies can be bought at a home improvement store or you can get creative with materials found in your garage such as a pole and a pair of panty hose.

Then with plenty of sunshine, some moisture, and a little hard work and patience on your part you and your family will love the rewards. As items are ripe and ready to come off the veins you can immediately serve them up to your family or you can prepare them for a later time. Most all vegetables, fruits, and herbs can be either frozen, canned, dried, or made into another product such as jellies, preserves, or can be used in pies. No matter how you choose to use them not only will you have full tummies, but your wallet will be a little fuller as well.

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